Reminders and Debt Collection

With the help of our partner Debtist, we offer you a comprehensive debt collection service – from the first payment reminder to legal enforcement. Debtist is an experienced provider with a high success rate and fair fees. You can transfer your outstanding claims to Debtist with just one click, and they will automatically take the next steps to recover the outstanding amounts on your behalf.


Initially, no costs will be incurred. However, during the debt collection process, there may be steps where third-party costs arise (e.g., court costs). These steps will only be initiated with your consent.

The debt collection process is free for you, as Debtist retains the fees collected from the debtor according to the German Lawyers' Compensation Act (RVG).

Upon successful payment, Tentary receives its usual transaction fee. In the case of debt collection, this is a flat rate of 4.5% (net).

How does it work? / Process

To use the debt collection feature, you first need to accept the terms and fees of Debtist. After that, all debt collection functions will be available to you.

If one of your orders results in a payment default (e.g., unpaid installments or chargebacks), the order will automatically appear on the Claims page in your Tentary account.

There, you can open the claim and view a summary of all relevant details regarding the claim and the debtor. With one click on "Start Debt Collection," you can transfer the claim to our partner, who will then automatically initiate the next steps.

Throughout the course of a claim, various activities (reminder letters, investigations) can be seen in the claim overview. You can also easily forward additional information and files related to the case to Debtist.

If Debtist requires any information from you, you will see this on the Claims page, and you will receive a daily email with all updates (cases awaiting feedback, incoming payments, etc.).

Frequently Asked Questions

Which countries are supported?

Debtors can be from any country. Creditors are currently limited to countries within the EU (except France), the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan.

Which currencies are supported?

Currently, claims can be submitted for collection in the following currencies: Euro, US Dollar, Danish Krone, British Pound, Swiss Franc.

What are the requirements for claims?

In theory, it is sufficient for an order to contain the name and email address. However, in such cases, the chances of success in collection are relatively low. If you sell more expensive products and/or expect frequent payment defaults, we recommend enabling the collection of a billing address for each order.

Who is Debtist?

Debtist is an experienced provider in claims management and our partner for handling your outstanding claims. Debtist offers a full range of services – from the first payment reminder to legal enforcement. Debtist stands out for its high success rate and fair fees.

Learn more about Debtist

Who acts as the creditor towards the debtor?

Just as you sell your products under your own name with Tentary, you also act as the creditor for your claims.

What types of claims are there?

There are mainly three types of claims:

  1. An installment payment that has not been fully settled.
  2. A payment that has been disputed (without justification) and reversed.
  3. A direct debit payment that was not successful.
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