Adding a new product

In the following article, we'll go through the steps of adding a product and provide helpful tips and hints on how to use certain features.

Create Product

To create a new product, first log into your Tentary account and navigate to the Products page. Then click on the "+ New Product" button. A window will open where you initially select the product type. The product type influences a few basic functionalities and options of the product.

Product Types

You have the choice between:

After selecting a product type, you can design your product.

Title and description

Important and at the same time mandatory fields for your product are the title and the description. Add an appealing title and a meaningful description, because both are, next to the images, the first and most important parts of what customers see of your product.
Your description should make it clear what kind of product your customers are buying. By providing a description that is as accurate and appealing as possible, you increase the likelihood that your product will be purchased.
You have several options for the design of your text:
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underlined
  • Strikethrough
  • Headings with 4 different sizes
  • Quote
  • Numbered and normal list
  • Horizontal separator
  • Link

Product images

The first impression is often shaped by visual perception. This also applies to products that are sold online. Therefore, take some time to create beautiful and appropriate images for your product. Products generally sell better with images than without.
To add images, click on the button "Select images". The menu of your computer or smartphone should open to select images for upload. Select one or more images and confirm the upload. You can arrange the uploaded images into your desired order by holding and dragging them.

Supported image formats: JPG, PNG, WEBP, GIF

Recommendation: If you are looking for free images for your product that you are allowed to use and edit freely, we recommend Unsplash and Pixabay.


In the field "Price" you define the final price to be paid by your customers. You can offer your products either for free or for a minimum price of one dollar/euro.
To offer a product for free, enter the number 0 in the price field. In all other cases, enter your desired price. This can be a price with two decimal places (e.g. $9.99). The formatting of the price will be checked after saving your product and corrected if necessary. Prices between one and 99 cents will be corrected to the minimum price of one dollar/euro.
Note that the price is a very crucial criterion for the success of your product. Especially in the beginning, many sellers tend to offer their products too cheap. Therefore, it is worth experimenting with the price in the beginning.
By the way, you can create discount codes for your products. With the codes, you can offer discounts on your products to e.g. your followers on social media.

The product

Depending on the product type, you have various options for providing your product or service.

You can upload your products to our servers for free, and we will take care of the secure delivery. Or you can provide your product as a link to an external page/file (see example of both options).

To preview your product, you can click on the preview link for the product page after saving (see below in the section: Testing).

In case your product consists of files (Product types: Digital Download, Online Courses, Newsletter (optional here)), you can upload these for free to our servers. We take care of secure delivery to buyers, including video streaming. You can organize your files into folders, rename them, and add descriptions. There's no limit to the number of files you can upload, although individual files can be a maximum of 5 GB in size.

In the email following a successful purchase, buyers will receive a link to a download page on On this page, they can access your products. The links to your files are encrypted and can't be shared. As an additional protection against sharing downloads, each download page displays the name and email of the buyer.


If your product is located on another server, or consists of a link to a Zoom call, a Facebook group, or something similar, then choose the product type "Link/Access". You can also provide additional information like a description or necessary instructions (for example, a password that is needed to open it).

In the email following a successful purchase, buyers will receive a link to a download page on On this page, they can access the link and see the description you've provided.

New: For products of type "Link/Access", multiple variants can now be created to sell different content or versions. For example, sell an entry package and a premium package, or sell access to events on different days.


You can enable different settings for your product. After enabling some of these options, you will see further explanations about them. 

For added protection, you can enable automatic generation of a watermark for your PDF files. The watermark consists of the buyer's email and name and is automatically printed on every page of your PDFs.

Treat Product as Electronic Publication

When this setting is activated, it affects the taxation of the sales of this product. The reduced tax rate for book products is automatically applied.

Product is a Voucher/Ticket

If this option is selected, you can later track which products (or vouchers) have already been redeemed. More on vouchers/tickets.

Limit quantity
This setting lets you limit how often your product can be sold. For example, you may want to allow only a certain number of users for your workshops, or you may want to sell a certain amount at a discounted price (in this case you can also use discount codes).
Limit sales period
If you have a product that you only want to be available for a certain period of time, enable this option. You can set either a start or end time, or both.
You can share the link to your product page before the start time, but the button to buy will be active only during the period you defined.
Note: Regardless of a start and end time, you must publish your product so that it is visible to your customers.

Limit product access and duration

With this setting, you can determine the point at which buyers can access your product. Additionally, you can set a duration after which buyers will lose access to your product.

Marketing email

If this setting is enabled, buyers will be subscribed to your marketing emails after a successful purchase. Based on your email settings, buyers will see a checkbox in the checkout process to agree to be added to your mailing lists in advance. Learn more about email marketing with Tentary.

Appear in Google search
Enable this option if you want your product to be visible in Google searches. Only if you have this option enabled, can your product page become visible in Google search and your sales changes might increase.
In detail: If this option is not enabled, your product pages will get the meta tag "noindex". Otherwise, they will be tagged with "index, follow" and included in our sitemap for indexing.
Message to the buyer
After a successful purchase, your customers will receive an e-mail with a link to your product, the invoice as PDF (if requested) and an optional message from you.
Many sellers use this message to thank their customers for their purchase. Especially for products with a personal connection, it makes sense to attach a short message.

Save, publish and test your product

To save your new product or changes to your product, click on the orange "Save" button in the top right corner or at the bottom of the product page. Changes are not be saved automatically.

To get a shareable link to your product page and to make your product visible to buyers, you have to publish your product first. To do this, change the product status from "Draft" to "Live" and save. After saving, you will see the public link to your product. You can include the link on your website or share it on social media, for example.

Note: you must have at least one payment method successfully configured to be able to publish products. If this is not the case, you will see a hint on the product page.
After saving your product draft, you can preview the sales page, purchase confirmation e-mail and product page. To do so, click on the corresponding links in the preview box.
This way you don't have to do any test purchases, but you can directly preview all pages of the purchase process.

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